When you have folks who are learning how to use ChromaCam they may accidentally delete an image they liked and want back. For the stock backgrounds, you will want to […]

Looking for something a little more but yet less for your “diet”? Like Chicken Parmasean but can’t have the calories for adding the moist yet crisp and tasty outer layer? […]

INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 large onions, cut into 1/8-inch-thick slices 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/3 cup canned beef broth 1/2 cup purchased barbecue sauce […]

My family likes this Tuna dish as a quick casserole. … ok, SOME of the family. Let’s see, what will we need here … ah yes … What you’ll need […]

Have you had to reinstall an R710 with an older version of Microsoft Windows recently and find that your R710 display will only use the default Microsoft version? The R710 […]

The Rename command is a great thing to remember when you have a directory full of files that you need to change the Prefix (first part of something) on. Rename […]

Microsoft Surface and 3 Monitors

So I found that this was a common issue with those trying to connect a Microsoft Surface and 3 monitors. When we look at it on the surface (the question, […]

Shrimp Orleans, yum!  This is a great easy to make dish,  you’ll like it with rice or on a tortilla.  Don’t believe me?  Give it a try 😉 What you’ll […]

Probably one of the more frustrating things I’ve dealt with in a long time.  HP Workwise is a great tool and can even make one feel like a tool! I’ve […]