When you have folks who are learning how to use ChromaCam they may accidentally delete an image they liked and want back.
For the stock backgrounds, you will want to navigate to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Personify\ChromaCam” In here is where the original images are kept. From another PC you can copy and paste the missing images back.
In the case of their own images, I hope you have backed up their “Pictures” (where they have likely added that background from).
I highly recommend backups! Even your travel folks’ laptops. It will save some time and help in the future too!
All that and I still have to say that ChromaCam (old Personify) is a great tool. You have to make sure you have proper lighting and not to wear washed out (light) colored clothing. Check out ChromaCam’s tips for best video experiences. Even better, check out their Presentation product as well. 😉