
Just a quick little chicken kebob recipe I keep forgetting

Questions about my (Dad’s) smoked brisket recipe are … difficult to explain. I’ve played with many recipes, wood types, cooking methods, and spices. I have a few thoughts here that […]

Some nights you come home, you want to eat healthy but you just don’t have the energy to put to much effort into it. Chicken is a category that you […]

Overnight cinnamon rolls, or a take on them anyhow. We all get handwritten notes, index cards, or emails from family. We take the best of them and find a way […]

Basic roast beef is a must. This is just a place to start, make sure to try other seasonings as you like. With this recipe it is a quick and […]

Powershell is just that, a very powerful tool! I’ll start adding some references to various powershell scripts I find myself using often. I hope you find the snippets I post […]

Great cheesy casserole for the holidays or anytime.

This is a little applesauce recipe I thought I’d lost but my brain ACTUALLY remembered. So now before it’s gone I figured I should share it here.Please let me know […]

So you opened Outlook after an update and Outlook missing email accounts. Your first reaction may have been “What?! Outlook desktop isn’t showing all my added email accounts!!” Maybe you […]