Probably one of the more frustrating things I’ve dealt with in a long time. HP Workwise is a great tool and can even make one feel like a tool!
I’ve found HP Workwise to be a fantastic tool! I highly recommend it … except for when it’s “broken” and you can’t repair the issue.
This HP issue was mind-boggling. Hours (yes several) with support folks in chat and on the phone. Not to mention the hours wasted on the official HP Support and Workwise sites. Since late December 2017, I noticed that somehow HP Workwise was having trouble connecting to my device. No logs showing (go ahead check your system, application, and security logs when this happens), no custom logs anywhere (even support looked) and just no connection. Finally, with HP Support on (ya I let them connect and do the work at this point), I learned quickly that the support group didn’t know what to do. They uninstalled the app from my Elitebook and viola … the app was now dead to me. Not even attempting to connect, couldn’t find my device and my remote device kept saying that the PC needed an application update. I and HP Support diligently looked for the said update but it was not in the software update repository, it was not on the main site for HP Workwise and it certainly couldn’t be found on the knowledge base anywhere.
At this point I just let the “freshly” installed HP Workwise just sit there.
Today the HP Support assistant alerted me it had some updates available for me. I went ahead and installed the BIOS update and was working on a device update. Both of which did require reboots and I was reminded again of the depressed feeling I had when HP Workwise would initialize and tell me “Let’s get started”, offering to help walk me through the setup.
Seeing as it is after 0230 here and I had nothing better to do I did another round of attempts, found that “HP Workwise PC Application” along with various other type searches were topping Google’s HP Workwise category. Seems a lot more people are looking for this fix.
Along the way I thought to myself … wouldn’t it be funny if this was in the Windows Store? Irony right, the Windows Store “might” have the update that the HP applications and laptop were telling me I had to have. Figuring “WTH, HP Support and I can’t figure this out” … I ventured to the Microsoft store.
Found HP Workwise and did the install. (Yup, another reboot after it was done).
Logged in and launched the newly installed HP Workwise from the Microsoft Store. I felt a little anticipation creep in as I saw a new build number I hadn’t seen to date yet. Started the pairing process and said a quick prayer with a little hope that perhaps this would work.
VIOLA!!! HP Workwise is Fixed!
(almost fell off the couch!)
Hope this helps someone else too!