
Well isn’t that interesting? I’ve been trying to check my hotmail account for a bit now and have just finished trying my 4th ISP connection (Verizon, Sprint, at&t, and a local […]

Well today is a rant.  My kids have the chicken pox and are home with me at the moment so I’m reading news in between getting things done today. Here […]

Okay, I have to admit, I understand where United is coming from.  United Airlines wants to keep their airfare prices low.  They think that charging for the second checked-in bag […]

This is an easy coffee cake, baked in a square or round layer-cake pan. INGREDIENTS:Topping:1/2 cup brown sugar1/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour (sift before measuring)1/4 cup butter, room temperature1 teaspoon […]

So tomorrow is the Super Bowl.  Somehow my place is becoming party central.Started off that I was just going to have a nice dinner with a couple friends. Steak, fresh […]

Seriously, how many of you thought Edwards or Guiliani were going to get their respective party nominations? Seriously? Now the fight is between Obama vs. Clinton and Romney vs. McCain. […]

Well here we are again, election time.  The Clinton Family is back in the race for the Democrats and the lies spew forth to be labeled in history as “misdirection” […]

What happens when you’re being stupid. I burned my neck (don’t ask) and the next day I ripped away the scab.  I couldn’t find the rubbing alcohol so I used […]

So, okay, Sprint is a bit out dated.  I really get annoyed at times with them.  Here is a new wrinkle.  Let me start with I use to be a […]

Let’s see, where have I been traveling to as of late? I’ve been to L.A. several times, D.C., Chicago, Elgin, Pittsburgh, Wilmington, Burbank, and getting ready to head back to L.A. […]