So, if I like it or not, it took me a bit in finding this option. Was a bit of a pain and was getting ready to start messing with the core code. Luckily that was unnecessary!
Given that I figured I should share the fix, and you do know I like to share fixes!
The content I am running under the Marinelli theme, and promoting my Home page to on the front page, left me with both an RSS icon that I did not want and a “Read More” link that I didn’t want. More frustrating for me is that all the components are not neatly tied together … or so I thought …
For instance, teasers, this was easy to turn off and see that my content was seen instead of a snippet. The problem was the link and icon still existed.
What I finally found, thanks to a quick targeted search on was what lead me to the following solution:
Once you logon to your Drupal 7 site go do the following:
1. Select Configuration
2. In the Front page block set the “Number of posts on front page” to 1
3. This step requires that you know what the node number of your page is (hint: open a new browser and go to your site now, it’s in the address bar ):
a. for the Default front page enter the node/# in the block provided
4. Save configuration
Go test in a new browser window by going to your site. You should now see that the “Read More” and the RSS feed icon have now disappeared.
This is a simple “quick fix” provided “as is” please share your experiences here for all in case there is some other way all readers can help each other!