March 2007

Okay, I do find it offensive myself but really… Brings a whole new perspective to the phrase “Eat me!” Had to be out of his mind to think this was […]

I hope I remember the next time I’m in Minneapolis to get myself some bottled water! This is another reason I’m glad I work in technology, don’t have to worry […]

Some readers tell me that they have had issues with the DST Update instructions I posted from Verizon earlier. Come to find out that they were not Verizon customers. lol […]

When I’m out with friends the inevitable discussions of our jobs come up. If there is someone there I hardly know it might be the first time they hear it […]

If DCPROMO fails to demote the server, try using the brute force method: 1. Go to a run line (if you don’t know what I mean PLEASE stop here and […]

What craziness! 300 to stand against and army of 150,000 Persians. This is what the movie portrays. You keep hearing of the 300 Spartans and not how many other Greeks […]

The trees are swaying in the wind; Now once again I journey on my way. This time to a place where no longer I will bend, The night seeps in […]

Okay, at my other blog I did a whole write up on the issues for Daylight Saving Time…and yes it is Saving NOT Savings…don’t get me started. So anyhow, just […]