EMail Marketing vs. Google

So what happens when Google, or for that matter any ISP ad focused company, gets annoyed with email marketing groups?

This is a simple diversion that is a large blow to an email campaign.  Especially since cached images cause so much havoc in the email marketing arena.

So here is an interesting question.  Is Google’s intent just to get more marketing dollars into Ad-sense?  Sure it helps others to get marketing dollars to their various programs as well but there is an element this article appears not to know of.

That key element that the article missed was the partnership between Google and FlashIssue.  It is integrated in GMail and is a really great newsletter drag-and-drop editor by Phil Hill.

I have had a great time playing with/learning FlashIssue.  You should check it out.  For you mass marketers reading this, there will be a premium offering from FlashIssue coming soon.  What does this mean?  More than likely this is where you will get your personal IP reputation for monitoring…but that is just a guess.  

Hope you’ve enjoyed this rant today.