Wow isn’t that embarrassing? Have you ever thought you had done something, swore up and down that it was so, only to have others tell you it isn’t so?
Sadly, I pointed some of our developers to my blog. They were looking for how to create service dependencies on a Windows server. Normally I’d do this myself but didn’t have the time. I ended up having to email them instructions … because … as they pointed out to me, the instructions were NOT here on my blog.
I had them in another article I had written for the office.
HOWEVER, I restate, these instructions can be found on my blog!
To create service dependencies you need to do the following:
- Backup your current registry settings. (important step, well unless you’re confident you “got this”)
- Run ‘regedit’ to open your registry. (or if you prefer regedt32)
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and locate the service that you need to set a dependency for.
- Open the ‘DependOnService’ key on the right side. If the selected service does not have a ‘DependOnService’ key, then create one by right-clicking and selecting New > Multi-String Value. (a.k.a. – REG_MULTI_SZ)
- In the value field, enter the names of all services that the current service will depend on. Each service name must be entered properly (exactly as it appears as a service name in the registry) and on a separate line for each service.
- Click OK, close your registry and restart your machine.