Okay a pet peeve of mine; a friend asks you to look at their PC/laptop. No problem if I have the time I’ll help you out.
You drop off said PC/laptop and it has McAfee ePO installed on it. First off, red flag my readers! This is not a personal piece of equipment. It is a business item. Can you get around user names/passwords and get local administrator rights? Of course. That is a topic I will not cover. You either know how or you do not. Your IT staff knows how; if they don’t, well I’m a consultant and would be happy to help. Provided the right contracts are in place. src=”http://s.wordpress.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif”>
Anyhow moving along. How to remove the ePO agent from your desktop you ask? Simple!
Find the frminst and change to the directory it resides in. In this case I had to go to:
C:\Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework>
From here you run: frminst /remove=agent
Now continue with your work. The ePO agent won’t be a bother any longer. Sorry, pet peeve and had to rant a moment!
Oh, once again, use this information at your own risk! If you are not the IT guru/manager for your company you can seriously mess up your system.