Windows XP Pop-up

Thanks to Filehippo for this image, it’s perfect!:

Fun weekend!!

We have daylight “savings time” (a.k.a rob you of 1 hour of life) happen and then Microsoft makes us have more fun with their new pop-up! *gag*

Then again, *shrugs* it serves you right if you haven’t found a way to upgrade in the past 5 years that Windows 7 has been around let alone since the debut of Windows 8 and the subsequent upgrade to Windows 8.1.  Whew, that was a mouth full!

Anyhow, that IS a valid pop-up.  Yes you need to upgrade.  Perhaps you should look at just buying a cheap new laptop, device, or get to the cloud (business and personal) …

If you are a business, call Brady-Liu Technologies, they can help you find the path to upgrade even if your app isn’t “certified” for Windows 8.1.  I mean really, if your vendor doesn’t think their software important enough to keep up with the times … just how secure do you think your data is today?