Sprint Connectivity or Spark

So I have tried diligently to work with Sprint on finding a solution to my problem.  Make no mistake, this is not a singular person’s view and you can see in their general Network and Connectivity feed on Sprint Community that very fact.

I have worked with trying to get support on connectivity issues with my phone from my home area.  Not to include my travels.  Only worried about the DFW Metroplex area in general.  I’ve given them information from the Oklahoma boarder down to Hutchins (just south of Dallas) out to Fort Worth and up and across to Garland.  That’s a pretty large area to see the same issues throughout.  Again this does not include any of the other travel and issues I have during that time.  I am only focused on getting service in my home area at the moment.

Now with that information I have called, given cross streets and zip codes galore as this helps them to triangulate the towers that might be at issue where I’m at.  The past month I’ve been hearing about the Spark network upgrade and many times the issues are blamed on that upgrade “in progress” causing the troubles.  

The odd part here is that the problems seem to steam from (personal opinion here btw) the purchase of Clearwire and Sprint using the WiMax optimization to bounce their signal.  The issues I have been reporting started back in August 2013, this shortly after the final acquisition.

So here we are 5 months later and I finally decide it’s time to get the word out at the Sprint Community to see if they can give me an answer as to when a final fix will be in place.  Just tired of the phone calls, troubleshooting, doing the same thing over and over – they expecting different results (there is a word for that phrase no?), and spending hours of my time working on it.

You will have to have a Sprint Community login to view.  After almost 24 hours they have not responded in any manner:  https://community.sprint.com/baw/thread/147526 

While you are there take a look around at all the people nationwide complaining with the same issues.  

I really have liked my Sprint service over the years but when they do upgrades they really need to find a better way.  Each time seems fraught with issues and I’m just tired of suffering in silence “hoping” for a better outcome.

This post is my observations your mileage may vary.