Mmm … Apple Crisp
I need to go search for more of my old hard drives. I think I have gathered most of my recipes to start posting. This one has me going to […]
I need to go search for more of my old hard drives. I think I have gathered most of my recipes to start posting. This one has me going to […]
Okay, so I promised I would start posting some recipes that I have created, written down, or used in the past. Some of you have been my “guinea pigs”, thankfully […]
Little did he know when invited to dinner that HE was dinner! Tagged: thanksgiving
Bah! Figures. It was an okay kind of place. Never really was much for Martini Park at the Shops at Legacy in Plano. For some odd reason I have no […]
For those of you that come here often you’ll notice a new look. True, I am a bit lazy with the blog in the fact I haven’t created my own […]
Here is the next installment of my thoughts on String Theory from the original post you can find here. Through Quantum Mechanics it was found that there are two categories […]
So what happens when you decide to look up your old website content from ages long since past? You find interesting tidbits for sure! So here we go! The start […]
Regardless of where you stand on the issues I implore you to please vote November 4th. hehe…Otherwise, shut up and don’t complain!! Tagged: biden, congess, democrat, McCain, Obama, palin, president, […]